
Equity bank 2021 Scholarship

Information for Scholarship KCB Applicants

To qualify for a KCB Scholarship;

  • The applicant must come from a needy home
  • The applicant must attain the prescribed county cut off marks in the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) examination
  • The applicant must have a calling latter to a national or county/ex-county secondary school

To access a KCB scholarship;

  • Applicants collect application forms at any KCB Branch countrywide. The forms are available in the branches starting 1st December
  • Applicants submit their applications in a county interview and selection process
  • The interviews are conducted by KCB staff teams
  • Applicants with disability are recruited through the county social development offices and integrated /special primary schools
  • Home visits are conducted to verify the needy status of the shortlisted candidates
  • Selected candidates are assigned to individual mentors and begin school

The KCB Scholarship package entails:

  • Payment of school fees for the 4 years of secondary school
  • Support for personal effects, learning materials and assistive devices for students with disability
  • Quarterly one-on-one mentorship sessions with KCB branch staff and an annual holiday mentorship programme
  • Internship and employment opportunities during and after the university studies
  • Equitable distribution across the counties and gender balance is sought to ensure both boys and girls benefit from the programme.